Posted by Nixon
20 July, 2020

Are you struggling to write enticing email copy? Fear not, these five key principles will have you writing captivating emails in no time.

When it comes to email newsletters, many marketers feel a strong compulsion to do something, but a lack of certainty over what it is. Sales? News? New products? How exactly should you be speaking to your audiences, and what should you say?

1. Keep it simple

It can be tempting to cram your emails with every option you want your reader to take. Subscribe to our blog. Read our brand story. Check out our new product range. But remember: less is more.
You don’t want to overwhelm your audience. A single call to action saves your reader time and streamlines your content, indicating a clear desired path.

Simplicity is often seen in Headspace’s soothing emails. Creating space for the email to breathe not only puts your reader at ease but also makes the call to action incredibly enticing.

2. Make it relevant

With an overwhelming amount of choice, readers follow the brands that understand them best. It’s no longer enough to just attach the name of the recipient onto your email or blast generic messages to an entire email list. We want a deeper and more personalised experience. 

A great way to do this is by segmenting your audience. Simply separating your email list by characteristics like age groups, shopping habits and interests, will allow your brand to share tailored emails, designed to capture the attention of your readers.

This tailored content from Spotify takes customisation to a whole new level:

3. Provide value

So what’s the secret to writing a compelling email, readers can’t help but consume? Irresistible content.

The reality is, if you want your readers to sign up to your email list or spend time on your website, you need to give them a reason. Entice your audience with so much value they can’t help but want to interact with your brand. To do this, you need to understand who you’re talking to. Whether it’s a monthly recap of your best blog posts, a seasonal sale or a new product range, making the email worth their time is the best way to capture your audience’s attention.

One brand that’s mastered value offerings is CAVA, with its mouth-watering recipes:

4. Be authentic

With estimates indicating that we’re exposed to over 5000 adverts a day, it’s not surprising people are so obsessed with authenticity. Fed up of false promises and constant money-grabbing sales, we want to interact with authentic brands that we can relate to. By giving your audience a reason to connect with your brand, people will flock to your writing. Ask yourself: ‘what’s special and unique about my brand’?

Clothing company Finisterre gets it. Sharing authentic content ranging from local landscape shots to stories of the Cornish coast, it’s no wonder the brand has such a loyal following:

5. Tell a story

Deeply engrained in our psychology, brand storytelling is one of the most powerful techniques for inspiring and moving your reader. Separate yourself from the pack by focusing on the unique journey of your brand and bringing your readers along for the ride. 

A pioneer of brand storytelling is Charity: Water. By learning about its humble beginnings, we can’t help but bond with the non-profit:

Email marketing can often feel daunting, but after reviewing these tips, we hope you feel inspired to breathe new life into your emails. Need help with your email marketing? Our team can do everything from creating beautiful newsletter templates to writing compelling copy. Give us an email at

This content blog post comes courtesy of Nick Waghorn – thanks Nick!